Tuesday, March 05, 2013

‘King Coal’ reigns as global powerhouse; U.S. phasing out energy source - Washington Times
Coal by 2030 will be the most widely used fuel worldwide as developing countries electrify burgeoning cities and rural areas where billions of people have had no or little access to power, according to the International Energy Agency.
Environmental activists reeling as Keystone pipeline gains momentum - The Hill's E2-Wire
Opponents of Keystone are furious at State’s environmental assessment of the project, which brushed aside of one of their central arguments against it: namely, that it would exacerbate clime change by expanding the use of oil sands.

“The State Department’s conclusions are so off-base that they’re borderline absurd,” Daniel Kessler, a spokesman with climate group 350.org, told The Hill.
Environmental groups vowed they would continue to pressure President Obama to kill the pipeline, but acknowledged the blow that Friday’s report delivered to their cause.
Emergency responders brace for winter storm in DC, Baltimore areas - The Washington Post
Washington hasn’t seen a major March snowfall since 2009.  [Via DB]
Reality Drop: Spread [Junk] Science about Climate Change, Global Warming
We are also proud to work with many other individuals and organizations who are helping make Reality Drop a success. They include:

John Abraham, Climate Science Rapid Response Team
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Climate Central
DeSmog Blog
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
Met Office, U.K.
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google
Union of Concerned Scientists
- Bishop Hill blog - Organised astroturfing
[Regarding Reality Drop] George Monbiot has been very vocal against this sort of thing. It will be interesting to see how he responds, particularly since the Guardian's own pages are being targeted.
The flaw in Al Gore's cunning plan is that there are going to be a series of identical comments posted on each thread. I think this is going to mightily annoy website owners.

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